As the only Brahler network partner in Ireland, Magpie AV provide Simultaneous Interpretation Technology to the conference market.
Magpie Audio Visual can supply all the necessary technology to deliver a conference requiring Simultaneous Interpretation, whether you require one or a number of languages. We can supply a sound proof booth for each language and transmit this language in the conference room only to be received by each delegate via a wireless receiver with headphones.
The Digital Interpreters Console
Developed in cooperation with professional interpreters the new Brahler designed console has many new features. Clearly arranged controls, a large bright display and illuminated buttons which allow for intuitive operation. Combined with improved digital sound quality the interpreter will enjoy a superior experience and ease of control.
Brahler specialise in the manufacture and the rental and supply of these systems which are used in parliaments and boardrooms all over the world. A delegate system is a specialised audio system using multiple microphones as seen in council chambers and parliaments.